Binder Law Firm


Orthopedic Injury Disability


At the Law Office Of Charles E. Binder and Harry J. Binder, we help clients with many different types of orthopedic injuries (injuries to the musculoskeletal system). These include injuries to bones, muscle and joints. Regardless of the orthopedic injury or disability you experience - even if you don't see it listed on our Web site or the Social Security Disability list of impairments - we may be able to help you get the disability benefits necessary to support your family and make ends meet.

Social Security benefits are part of what is essentially an insurance policy that provides for basic financial and medical needs for workers when their working lives are interrupted. Benefits can also serve as a safety net for fellow Americans that have a disability. If an orthopedic injury or disability has ended your working life sooner than expected, you may be eligible for the early payment of monthly benefits that you would ordinarily have received in your retirement.

Our clients have had many different kinds of orthopedic injuries that kept them out of work, but the Law Office Of Charles E. Binder and Harry J. Binder was able to win their claims and get them the benefits they needed. Our past clients have suffered many of the following injuries:

  • Back injuries
  • Hip injuries
  • Non-union of a fracture
  • Failed spinal surgery
  • Disorders of the spine
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Curvature of the spine
  • Leg, Knee and Ankle Injuries/Disorders

Call the Law Office of Charles E. Binder and Harry J. Binder. Don’t Ever Give Up.

If you’re disabled and can’t work anymore, call the attorneys at the Law Office of Charles E. Binder and Harry J. Binder at 1-800-4-BINDER or contact us online for a free initial consultation. Don’t ever give up.