Binder Law Firm


Bipolar Disorder As A Qualifying Condition For SSD


If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you may be able to receive Social Security Disability benefits if the symptoms meet the Social Security Administration's criteria, or if there is a medical vocational disability approval. At the Law Office of Charles E. Binder and Harry J. Binder, we can help.

About Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder that involves a disturbance in mood. It is not just one mood disorder, but a category of many mood disorders. Classifications of bipolar disorder include Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Bipolar NOS and Cyclothymia.

Previously known as manic-depressive disorder or manic depression, bipolar disorder involves periods of extreme happiness (mania) followed by periods of extreme depression that can take over a person's entire life.
  • Manic episodes are periods of extreme happiness or elation. People experiencing a manic episode may talk quickly and have a short attention span with their thoughts racing from one thing to another. They may be unable to sleep and do things they ordinarily would not do. They may also develop grandiose plans or delusional ideas about themselves.
  • When manic episodes end, depressive episodes may set in. These episodes of deep sadness may seem overwhelming. Sufferers can experience fatigue, guilt, anger, hopelessness or anxiety. They may not be able to sleep and may lose interest in things that were once important to them.

While bipolar disorder can be treated by counseling, therapy and medications including anti-psychotic medications or mood stabilizers like lithium, not every treatment is effective. If you suffer from bipolar disorder and have trouble working despite treatment, you may need to seek Social Security Disability benefits.

Call the Law Office of Charles E. Binder and Harry J. Binder. Don’t Ever Give Up.

If you’re disabled and can’t work anymore, call the attorneys at the Law Office of Charles E. Binder and Harry J. Binder at 1-212-365-5018 or contact us online for a free initial consultation. Don’t ever give up.