Binder Law Firm


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Social Security Disability Benefits

PTSD and the Social Security Administration

Sometimes, a traumatic experience leaves such a lasting impact on your life that you can't work, even though that's what you want to do. If you've been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and your doctor says you can't work anymore, or you're trying to hold down a job and are really struggling, talk to us at the Law Office of Charles E. Binder and Harry J. Binder about your options.

We represent many members of the military who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan. We'll deal with the government; you have enough to worry about.

Understanding SSA Disability Requirements

If you have been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), you may be approved for SSD benefits if your medical record meets certain requirements set by the Social Security Administration. At Law Office of Charles E. Binder and Harry J. Binder we can help you understand those requirements, and see to it that your application is filed correctly. You may also be able to have your SSD or SSI disability claim approved through a medical vocational allowance if a disability adjudicator finds that your condition is severe. This may be the case if you cannot return to your past work or switch to another line of work.

Call the Law Office of Charles E. Binder and Harry J. Binder. Don’t Ever Give Up.

If you’re disabled and can’t work anymore, call the attorneys at the Law Office of Charles E. Binder and Harry J. Binder at 1-800-4-BINDER or contact us online for a free initial consultation. Don’t ever give up.